Nvidia Stock Forecast Using Astronomical Cycles

The charts included with this article cover years 2021-2024. The charts are daily charts of Nvidia (Ticker: NVDA).

In studying several astronomical cycles related to Nvidia, a pattern has emerged relating to the stock price and the sun moving through the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Charting enthusiasts will note that as the sun moves into the earth signs (peaks in the indicator on the bottom part of the screen), the stock price generally comes under selling pressure or at the very least a pause in rally. This indicates these times are better for “standing aside” or watching-only.

As the sun moves out of these earth zodiac signs, it is time to acquire shares and be long (buy to hold).

The next rally in Nvidia’s stock should commence the 3rd week of September.

Good luck and good charting.

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