About Matt, The Founder of EquiPredict

Hello and welcome! I’m Matt Kane, and since 2012 I’ve been an avid and active financial market participant. My passion has been leveraging technology to help others optimize risk-adjusted returns in the financial markets.

Some time ago, EquiPredict started out from humble beginnings at Earnings Elite. Readers of Earnings Elite were sent a monthly newsletter outlining what industries and sectors Wall St. was rotating their funds toward. Subscribers also received as-they-happened lower risk timing ideas throughout the month.

Due to a demand for pushing the lower risk entries forward in time to specific date ranges as well as price-points, I developed a unique cycle timing method adaptable to varied market conditions. The model is appropriate for shorter-term equity trading (days, to weeks, to months in length).

Market forecasting is not just a passion of mine; it’s a journey of continuous improvement. My focus is on identifying lower-risk entry points, strategically navigating the markets to maximize returns while minimizing risk of capital loss.

Experience has shown me to follow one core principle: Trade what you see.

Through my years of experience, I’ve crafted a method that goes beyond profit seeking – it’s about preserving and growing capital with precision.

Feel free to explore the EquiPredict website and discover how my cycle timing method can enhance your market participation experience. If you have any questions or insights to share, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy investing!

Risks Involved In Financial Market Participation

As with any sound investing philosophy, a trader should come to understand there is no one single indicator that is 100% accurate at all times. Market conditions can, and do, vary day to day, week to week, and month to month. The risks involved in trading can be substantial. Timing cycles can change without notice.

Whether you are using the EquiPredict website or a service located elsewhere, it is imperative that you as a trader understand ALL the risks involved, recognize the part your own emotions play in making financial decisions, mind your stop-losses carefully, and decide if trading is ultimately right for you.

Remember: trading is not about excitement or thrill seeking. Trading is about discipline; it is about following and sticking to a specific trading plan that is right for you and your situation.

I wish you great success in the financial markets.