The Stock Market Just Fired a Warning Shot – Here’s the Proof

The 3 charts included here are ones all investors should be taking careful note of. (Click the chart above to expand).
These charts represent the PERFORMANCE of the groups listed in the charts in comparison to the general stock market (The S&P 500: SPY / or the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF: VTI)
What we’re seeing here is that since July 8th, 2024 the Healthcare Sector, Utilities Sector, and the Real Estate Sector have been outperforming the stock market.
In essence, these three sectors are major drivers right now of the stock market powering higher.
To boil it down even further, Wall Street is rotating their funds toward these sectors – presumably in preparation for a period of “risk off” – if it hasn’t started already.
This is not positive for the stock market and for “risk on” minded investors.
There is no sign of “sell everything” at this time, but Wall Street is clearly moving into a defensive stance.
To your success.
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